Photos of EYN Church Pastor Daniel Umaru in Adamawa Whose Family were Attacked by Unknown Gunmen

Photos of EYN Church Pastor Daniel Umaru in Adamawa Whose Family were Attacked by Unknown Gunmen

Identity of Pastor Daniel Umaru and his family, the Pastor in charge of EYN Church whose 2 sons were Killed by the Unknown Gunmen and Daughter taken away by the Terrorists.

See Photos of EYN Church Pastor Daniel Umaru in Adamawa Whose Family were Attacked by Unknown Gunmen

Identity of Pastor Daniel Umaru and his family, the Pastor in charge of EYN Church whose 2 sons were Killed by the Unknown Gunmen and Daughter taken away by the Terrorists.

The Pastor Incharge of EYN Church, Njairi, Mubi, Adamawa state was attacked yesterday in his home by unknown gunmen. According to reports, he is currently in the hospital battling with life over the bully injury he sustained. His wife is still in coma from the shock of seeing her own sons killed by the terrorists. Not only that; their only 13 year-old daughter was also taken away to an unknown destination.

This sad Even was reportetd by the Hausa Christians Foundation - HACFO on their social media page. The report read;

This is Rev. Daniel Umaru and his family, the Pastor in charge of EYN Church, Njairi, Mubi, Adamawa state.
Last night, unknown gunmen stormed his residence, killed his two sons and kidnapped his 13 year old daughter. He was shot and left battling life in the hospital. The wife is in coma due to shock.
Oh God save our nation from blood tasty people and heal our land.
Oh Lord! Please help your children to remain focused in the midst of these challenges. Grant healing to your son and bring his wife out of coma. Give calmness to his daughter and rescue her unmolested for the sake of your glory.

See Photos of EYN Church Pastor Daniel Umaru in Adamawa Whose Family were Attacked by Unknown Gunmen

Reacting to the sad news, people condenmed the acts and cried for God intervention in Nigeria to end blood sheds. These are some of people commnets on the post:

  • Njide-Adinnu Mkparu
    It has finally come 😭😭😭
  • Chinyere Itesi
    I am tried of RIP, something needs to be done, nobody is safe in this country.
    Even the president is not safe,Aso rock and kuje prisons.
    4 Replies
  • Akalusi Uc
    JESUS CHRIST 💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭😭😭.
    Lord heal our land.
  • Mary Michael
    It's hard for me to type RIP to this beautiful people
    Oh God approve yourself in this case
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  • Chidimma Nwankwo Ajare
    Lord have mercy
  • Esther Igbinigie Iriogbe
    What is this? Oh! Lord have mercy on our beloved nation.
    Comfort the bereaved family and grant them healing in Jesus’Name
    12 Replies
  • Mercy Ukwa
    O Lord we need divine intervention, don't allow the gate of hell to overcome your church IJN
    8 Replies
  • Victor Haruna
    God in you we trust. ( No amount of threat will stop us from the love of Christ)🙏🙏🙏
    6 Replies
  • Ernest Tar Emmanuel
    Christianity is actually suffering too much persecution in Nigeria now.
    21 Replies
  • Mary Ndirpaya
    God avenge the blood of the innocent children, heal your son and wife and rescue the daughter of Zion from the strong hold of the enemy.
    20 Replies
  • Olufunso Joseph Omidiran
    This calculated and premeditated genocide must cease in Nigeria. Why do the Govt operatives always look the other way in such instances?
    1 Reply
  • Kevin Oche
    O Lord intervene in our nation! Preserve your children,fight for us,You are our Defense.
    1 Reply
  • Bukkie Soyebi
    Hmmm oh ABBA FATHER God Almighty, when will this come to an end in our country called Nigeria, hmmm innocent children of God, blood shed everyday,😭😭😭😭may their souls rest in peace, Nigeria failed and killed them, God heal their father and mother, let t… 
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  • Mutong Yustus
    The pains are just too numerous on daily bases your children are preyed upon like animals. God arise, save your children, protect the church and let the enemies of the cross be scattered. May the perpetrators of this wicked act know no peace in Jesus name.
    2 Replies
  • Yaqub Adamu Jalingo
    This is terrible! May Allah heal the wounded, free the captives while granting the reverend and his wife Shifa.
    6 Replies
  • Adebisi Rahman
    This is terrible
    Lord please arise because of the belove in this Nation 🙏
    3 Replies
  • Okwy Chikwekwem
    Oh Lord! Please have mercy on Your children. Please restore Your peace in our country, Nigeria. Please continue to protect and preserve our lives. In Jesus Mighty Name I pray..AMEN! AMEN!! & AMEN!!!
  • Ameena Mohammed
    Oh my God. This is heartbreaking. Father God do what only you can do 😥😩😩
    3 Replies
  • Abdullahi Z Suleiman
    May God expose those behind this evil, May God heal the wounded and RIP for the dead, OMG!
    10 Replies
  • Jane Oko
    Oh LORD God arise and let the enemies be scattered.
  • Dung Jama
    The agent of darkness are at work! We need to pray fervently for God to destroy them and heal our Land!
    2 Replies
  • Ekechukwu Margaret
    When will all these heartless killings come to an end. Oh God Almighty show yourself and fight this battle for your helpless children. Heal the wounded and comfort the bereaved
    1 Reply
  • Ann Obadiah
    This will never stop if we don't wake up and fight💪👊🔫💪👊🔫 right from the days of John the Baptist that's how it has always been....Christians keep sleeping and waiting for miracle that will never come
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  • Mathew Baba
    This is barbaric,this is callous,this is persecution,this is unacceptable
  • Rebecca Bawa Wadzanguri
    Oh Jesus 😭😭😭 we plead for mercy over this land. Come to the rescue of your children
    1 Reply
  • Abigail Sule Ibrahim
    Arise o lord on behalf of your children and let the blood of this Innocent souls speak against the evil ones in Jesus mighty name. Amen
  • Simon Akhaine
    Evil has its reward no matter how long it may take. Those who are evil have their days of reckoning with God. God's wrath will surely visit several generations of those who have carried out this dastardly act. At the appointed time, they shall indeed s… 
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  • Ali Muhammad
    Unfortunate and sad news we get every day.may God Almighty expose these wicked souls and protect us from their wicked and ungodly aim.May God protect us and the country at large from this unfortunate calamity bedeviling our dear country NIGERIA.

Identity of Pastor Daniel Umaru and his family, the Pastor in charge of EYN Church whose 2 sons were Killed by the Unknown Gunmen and Daughter taken away by the Terrorists.

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