2022 Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional - Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022 Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional - Saturday, January 1, 2022

Saturday, January 1, 2022

(Naming and Circumcision of Christ)


TEXT: LUKE 2:15 – 21


Happy New Year! God has graciously and purposefully brought us thus far - He is good and faithful indeed. We thank Him also for Jesus' birth, which is the arrival of peace on earth. The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, while his parents were trying to fulfil their civic duty to the government of the day, symbolises something special. It is special in the sense that Jesus came as the face of salvation in human form. In order to carry along the humans for whom He came, the Angel of the Lord came upon some shepherds who were keeping watch over their flock by night and announced to them that God had conquered fear.


With the strong belief and acceptance of this good news, these shepherds who were supposed to be looking after their flocks left everything they ought to be doing to step out of their comfort zone, simply as an act of conquering fear bearing in mind that the information from the angel was far too more important than every other thing. Their statement of faith in the good news is found in their confirmation of the angel's shared information. Note that these shepherds became the first evangelists who went about sharing what they heard and saw about the newly born Jesus. Jesus' mother, Mary, on the other hand, like most mothers, kept faith with what transpired between her and the angel of the Lord concerning Jesus' name, which came before His birth.


Prayer: Dear Lord, we believe you can take care of our cares. Help us to build a stronger faith in you this year in Jesus' name.



Sunday, January 2, 2022      

(Second Sunday after Christmas)


TEXT: John 1:35 - 42


John the Baptist introduced Jesus as the Lamb of God, to his followers. Andrew presented him to his brother Peter as the Messiah. There is a need for every}' believer to share the gospel of Christ with his or her families and friends. Once men are introduced to Jesus, the ground is watered for their conviction by the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist presented him as the Lamb of God, meaning the one God Himself will use as a sacrifice; no wonder his two disciples wanted to hear from the horse's mouth. Andrew called him the Messiah.

It is your turn to present him to your neighbours, families and friends. When you tell people about Christ, the Holy Spirit will take it as a platform to do great work in the hearts of your hearers.


Prayer: Lord, please, reveal yourself more and more to me. Amen.

Monday, January 3, 2022


TEXT: John 1: 43-51

The testimony of Philip concerning Jesus was what was inquired to introduce Nathaniel to the author of life. How often have we shared our testimonies of Christ among family and friends? Notice show of doubt in Nathaniel (v.46): "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" The world has found it difficult to believe that the author of life could have such a poor beginning and die such a shameful death. Notice that Philip did not argue with Nathaniel when he doubted but only said in him "Come and See!"

At times, we engage in arguments and reasoning in trying to convince sinners, but it is unnecessary because the iwssiiy.i1 of the Cross does not make sense to the natural mind; however, it is still the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1: 16). Our commitment to witnessing is all that God needs to draw the unsaved to Himself, Always share your testimonies.


Prayer: Dear Lord, help to share your goodness to me \with everyone. Amen.


Tuesday, January 4, 2022                                 


TEXT: John 2:1     12

One thing that should gladden our hearts is that Jesus Christ,, though God, was not looed spiritual to participate in man's everyday experience, whether it is a wedding feast which gives us pleasure, a funeral which gives us pain, a sport by which we are entertained, an occupation by which we earn a living, or a course of study in which we are involved, Jesus Christ is interested in everything and everyday experience. Bringing the Lord into every aspect of our lives is very crucial and commendable. Neglecting to invite Jesus into common or ordinary things of our lives has the same consequences as driving Him away from partaking in our everyday experiences (Matt. 8:28-34).

Allow the Lord to be in absolute control of all situations in your life: "Whatever He tells you to do, do it" (v.5). He is the Lord. It is only when you invite Him to your situation and do His bidding that He turns that situation around for your blessing and for the glory of His name (Matt. 10:29-31; 1 Pet. 5: 7).


Prayer: Dear Lord, please help me to remember that every aspect of my life matters to you and that I must allow you have the final say. Amen.

2022 Anglican Daily Fountain Devotional

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