Hymn A & M 287- They come, God's messengers of love

Hymn A & M 287- They come, God's messengers of love

 Hymn A & M 287- They come, God's messengers of love

Hymn A & M 287- They come, God's messengers of love
Hymn A & M 287- They come, God's messengers of love
Hymn A & M 287- They come, God's messengers of love

1. They come, God's messengers of love,

they come from realms of peace above,

from homes of never-fading light,

from blissful mansions ever bright.

2. They come to watch around us here,

to soothe our sorrow, calm our fear:

ye heavenly guides, speed not away,

God willeth you with us to stay.

3. But chiefly at its journey's end

'tis yours the spirit to befriend,

and whisper to the faithful heart,

"O Christian soul, in peace depart."

4. Blest Jesus, thou whose groans and tears

have sanctified frail nature's fears,

to earth in bitter sorrow weighed

thou didst not scorn thine angels' aid;

5. An angel guard to us supply,

when on the bed of death we lie;

and by thine own almighty power

O shield us in the last dread hour.

6. To God the Father, God the Son,

and God the Spirit, Three in One,

from all above and all below

let joyful praise unceasing flow.

Hymn A & M 287- They come, God's messengers of love

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