Anglican Bible study - STUDY 17, APRIL 24, 2022

Anglican Bible study - STUDY 17, APRIL 24, 2022

Anglican Bible study - STUDY 17, APRIL 24, 2022 

Anglican Bible study - STUDY 17, APRIL 24, 2022

STUDY 17       

Anglican Bible study - STUDY 17, APRIL 24, 2022, 1ST SUNDAY AFTER EASTER APRIL 24 2022


SUB-THEME: Christians’ Knowledge of God

TOPIC: The Benevolent God

TEXTS: Exod. 34:5-8


i. to help us gain a balanced view of God’s benevolence outline how God has demonstrated His benevolence to mankind and

iii. to help stir up a desire in us to demonstrate Christian benevolence


The benevolence of God means; God is infinitely good. There is no evil in Him. From the scriptures, we see God clearly as a benevolent Father who is merciful, gracious, good and caring. However, He has also demonstrated His severity in punishing sin. His ultimate benevolence was manifested in the death of His only Son, Christ, so that humankind can be saved – an uncommon gesture He demonstrated even while we were yet sinners! This study should quicken us to a more benevolent lifestyle like our Father.


1. Compare our textabove with Psalm 65:9-13; Matt 5:45, and briefly explain what benevolence of God is, also using practical personal experience. What is the climax of God’s benevolence? Read John 3:16.

2. Despite His benevolence, how has God shown His severity in punishing sin? Gen.4:9-15; Acts 5:1-11.

3. Relating Christian experiencewith 1Kings 13:26 and Isaiah 59:1-2, why do you think the benevolent God allows His people to suffer. 

4. State and discuss some of the ways Christians can emulate the benevolent nature of God. Matt 5:44-48; Rom.12:17, 20-21.


Although God is infinitely good (benevolent), He does not condone sinful living. He allows the consequences of our sinful actions to take its course, until there is repentance. He calls on all who are called by His name to follow His example. Will you?

FOOD FOR THOUGHT:  Faith without benevolence is equal to hypocrisy.

MEMORY VERSE: Matt.5:45 – “That you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust”. 
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