عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, ٢٠٢٢
SS&S 465: HAST THOU NO ROOM WITHIN THY HEART 1. Hast thou no room within thy heart Where Jesus may abide? And canst thou say to Him, Depart Who for thee bled and died? Oh yes, there's room within my heart, There's r…
SS&S 464: TAKE ME, O MY FATHER, TAKE ME 1. Take me, o my father, take me! Take me, save me, through Thy Son; That which Thou wouldst have me, make me, Let Thy will in me be done, Long from Thee my footsteps straying, Thorny p…
SS&S 463: AFFLICTIONS, THOUGH THEY SEEM SEVERE 1. Afflictions, though they seem severe In mercy oft are sent; They stopped the prodigal's career, And caused him to repent. "I'll not pine here for bread, I'…
SS&S 462: OH, HEAR MY CRY, BE GRACIOUS NOW TO ME 1. Oh, hear my cry, be gracious now to me Come, Great Deliverer, come! My soul, bowed down, is longing now for Thee, Come, Great Deliverer, come! I've wandered far away o…
SS&S 461: HOW SOLEMN ARE THE WORDS 1. How solemn are the words, And yet to faith how plain, Which Jesus uttered while on earth------ "Ye must be born again!" 2. "Ye must be born again!" For so hath God d…
SS&S 460: THE SPIRIT, O SINNER, IN MERCY DOTH MOVE 1. The spirit, o sinner, in mercy doth move Thy heart so long hardened, of sin to reprove; Resist not the Spirit, nor longer delay; God's gracious entreaties may end with…
SS&S 459: O SOULS IN DARKNESS GROPING 1. O souls in darkness groping, And longing for the light, Believe ye that the Saviour Can give the blind their sight? Oh, look to Jesus only, with Him is love and might; Believe that He …
SS&S 458: COME TO JESUS, YR WHO WANDER 1. Come to Jesus, ye who wander Far from hope, and peace, and rest; Scorned, neglected, and forsaken, Sorrowful, and sore distrest. Come to Jesus ! Come to Jesus ! Hark ! the Spirit wh…
SS&S 457: HASTEN, SINNER, TO BE WISE 1. Hasten, sinner, to be wise! Stay not for the morrow's sun; Wisdom, if you still despise, Harder is it to be won. 2. Hasten, mercy to implore! Stay not for the morrow's sun; Le…
SS&S 456: RETURN, O WANDERER, NOW RETURN! 1. Return, o wanderer, now return! And seek thy Father's face! Those new desires which in thee bum Were kindled by His grace. Return! Return! 2. Return, O wanderer, now return! …
SS&S 455: MAKE ROOM FOR JESUS! ROOM, SAD HEART! 1. Make room for Jesus! room, sad heart! Beguiled and sick of sin; Bid every alien guest depart, Arise, and let Him in! Make room, sad heart! make room! make room! Bid alien g…