عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, ٢٠٢١
Hymn A & M 178- The God of love my Shepherd is Hymn A & M 178- The God of love my Shepherd is Hymn A & M 178- The God of love my Shepherd is 1. The God of love my Shepherd is, and he that doth me feed; while he is min…
Hymn A & M 177- When all thy mercies, O my God Hymn A & M 177- When all thy mercies, O my God Hymn A & M 178- When all thy mercies, O my God 1. When all thy mercies, O my God, my rising soul surveys, transported with…
Hymn A & M 176- Sometimes a light surprises Hymn A & M 176- Sometimes a light surprises Hymn A & M 176- Sometimes a light surprises 1. Sometimes a light surprises the Christian while he sings; it is the Lord who rise…
Hymn A & M 175- The Lord is King! lift up thy voice Hymn A & M 175- The Lord is King! lift up thy voice Hymn A & M 175- The Lord is King! lift up thy voice 1. The Lord is King! lift up thy voice, O earth; and all ye …
Hymn A & M 174- Lord of beauty, thine the splendour Hymn A & M 174- Lord of beauty, thine the splendour Hymn A & M 174- Lord of beauty, thine the splendour 1. Lord of beauty, thine the splendour shown in earth and sk…
Hymn A & M 173- I praised the earth, in beauty seen Hymn A & M 173- I praised the earth, in beauty seen Hymn A & M 174- I praised the earth, in beauty seen 1. I praised the earth, in beauty seen, with garlands gay of …
Hymn A & M 172- All creatures of our God and King Hymn A & M 172- All creatures of our God and King Hymn A & M 172- All creatures of our God and King 1. All creatures of our God and King, lift up your voices, let u…
Hymn A & M 171- For the beauty of the earth Hymn A & M 171- For the beauty of the earth Hymn A & M 171- For the beauty of the earth 1. For the beauty of the earth, for the beauty of the skies, for the love which fro…
Hymn A & M 170- The spacious firmament on high Hymn A & M 170- The spacious firmament on high Hymn A & M 170- The spacious firmament on high 1. The spacious firmament on high, with all the blue ethereal sky, and s…
Hymn A & M 169- My God, how wonderful thou art Hymn A & M 169- My God, how wonderful thou art Hymn A & M 169- My God, how wonderful thou art 1. My God, how wonderful thou art, thy majesty how bright, how beautiful th…
Hymn A & M 168- There is a book, who runs may read Hymn A & M 168- There is a book, who runs may read Hymn A & M 168- There is a book, who runs may read 1. There is a book, who runs may read, which heavenly truth imp…
Hymn A & M 167- O worship the King Hymn A & M 167- O worship the King Hymn A & M 167- O worship the King 1. O worship the King, all glorious above! O gratefully sing his power and his love! Our shield and defender,…
Hymn A & M 166- All people that on earth do dwell Hymn A & M 166- All people that on earth do dwell Hymn A & M 166- All people that on earth do dwell 1. All people that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord with cheerf…
Hymn A & M 165- O God, our help in ages past Hymn A & M 165- O God, our help in ages past Hymn A & M 165- O God, our help in ages past 1. O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come, our shelter from the…
Hymn A & M 164- Father of heaven, whose love profound Hymn A & M 164- Father of heaven, whose love profound Hymn A & M 164- Father of heaven, whose love profound 1. Father of heaven, whose love profound a ransom for …
Hymn A & M 163- Three in One and One in Three Hymn A & M 163- Three in One and One in Three Hymn A & M 163- Three in One and One in Three 1. Three in One and One in Three, Ruler of the earth and sea, hear us while we…
Hymn A & M 162- I bind unto myself today Hymn A & M 162- I bind unto myself today Hymn A & M 162- I bind unto myself today 1. I bind unto myself today the strong Name of the Trinity, by invocation of the same, the Th…
Hymn A & M 161- Bright the vision that delighted Hymn A & M 161- Bright the vision that delighted Hymn A & M 161- Bright the vision that delighted 1. Bright the vision that delighted once the sight of Judah's …
Hymn A & M 160- Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty Hymn A & M 160- Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty Hymn A & M 160- Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty 1. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! Early in the morning…
Hymn A & M 159- Most ancient of all mysteries Hymn A & M 159- Most ancient of all mysteries Hymn A & M 159- Most ancient of all mysteries 1. Most ancient of all mysteries, before thy throne we lie; have mercy now, mo…
Hymn A & M 158- Father most holy, merciful and loving Hymn A & M 158- Father most holy, merciful and loving 1. Father most holy, merciful and loving, Jesus, Redeemer, ever to be worshiped, life-giving Spirit, Comforter…
Hymn A & M 157- Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire Hymn A & M 157- Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire Hymn A & M 157- Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire 1. Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire, and lighten with cel…
Hymn A & M 156- Come, thou Holy Spirit, come Hymn A & M 156- Come, thou Holy Spirit, come Hymn A & M 156- Come, thou Holy Spirit, come 1. Come, thou Holy Spirit, come, and from thy celestial home shed a ray of light d…
Hymn A & M 155- Our Lord, his passion ended Hymn A & M 155- Our Lord, his passion ended Hymn A & M 155- Our Lord, his passion ended 1. Our Lord, his passion ended, hath gloriously ascended, yet though from him divide…
Hymn A & M 154- When God of old came down from heaven Hymn A & M 154- When God of old came down from heaven Hymn A & M 154- When God of old came down from heaven 1. When God of old came down from heaven, in power and…
Hymn A & M 153- SPIRIT of mercy, truth, and love Hymn A & M 153- SPIRIT of mercy, truth, and love Hymn A & M 153- SPIRIT of mercy, truth, and love 1. SPIRIT of mercy, truth, and love, O shed thine influence from abov…
Hymn A & M 152- Come, O Creator Spirit, come Hymn A & M 152- Come, O Creator Spirit, come Hymn A & M 152- Come, O Creator Spirit, come 1. Come, O Creator Spirit, come, and make within out heart thy home; to us thy…
Hymn A & M 151- O joy, because the circling year Hymn A & M 151- O joy, because the circling year Hymn A & M 151- O joy, because the circling year 1. O joy, because the circling year hath brought our day of blessing …
Hymn A & M 150- Let all the multitudes of light Hymn A & M 150- Let all the multitudes of light Hymn A & M 150- Let all the multitudes of light 1. Let all the multitudes of light, Their songs in concert raising, With…
Hymn A & M 149- Thou art gone up on high Hymn A & M 149- Thou art gone up on high Hymn A & M 149- Thou art gone up on high 1. Thou art gone up on high, to mansions in the skies; and round thy throne unceasingly t…
Hymn A & M 148- See, the Conqueror mounts in triumph Hymn A & M 148- See, the Conqueror mounts in triumph Hymn A & M 148- See, the Conqueror mounts in triumph 1. See, the Conqueror mounts in triumph; see the King in …
Hymn A & M 147- Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia Hymn A & M 147- Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia Hymn A & M 147- Hail the day that sees him rise, Alleluia 1. Hail the day that sees him rise, Allelu…
Hymn A & M 146- Jesus, our hope, our heart's desire Hymn A & M 146- Jesus, our hope, our heart's desire Hymn A & M 146- Jesus, our hope, our heart's desire 1. Jesus, our hope, our heart's desire, thy …
Hymn A & M 145- O thou eternal King most high Hymn A & M 145- O thou eternal King most high Hymn A & M 145- O thou eternal King most high 1. O thou eternal King most high, whose blood has brought salvation nigh, the …
4 Folds of Jabez's Prayer 1 Chron 4: 9-10 Image by Samuel Martins on Unsplash (edited by Hymnslab ) 4 Folds of Jabez's Prayer 1 Chron 4: 9-10 Bible Passage: 1Chron 4: 9-10 9 Jabez was more honorable than his brothers.…
The Power of a Praying Woman Text: Judges 5: 1-7, Ester 4: 15-17; 6:1 Image by Ben White from Unsplash (edited by hymnslab ) In our previous post, we discussed the power of prayer. For us to know the power of a praying woman, we…