Abu 67- Were ihe-I di ngọzi.

Abu 67- Were ihe-I di ngọzi.

 Abu 67- Were ihe-I di ngọzi.


Verse 1

Were ihe-I di ngọzi

Bia nim’ochichiri-ayi,

Mọ Nsọ di ebigh-ebi,


Verse 2

Ayi di njọ---Gi sacha ayi;

Nim’oria-----nye ayi ike-I;

Ayi fur-efu---Gi chot’ayi;


Verse 3

Obi-ayi bu ogbeye;

Si n’ihwe nye ayi onu,

Okwukwe n’ihu-n’anya,


Verse 4

K’udo-I da k’igirigi,

Weda aj’ochicho nk’ayi,

Gosi ayi ihe nke Kraist,


Verse 5

Obia di nsọ, di nwayọ,

K’obi-ayi bur’ulo-nsọ-I

Ebe I gachi k’Eze,


Verse 6

Narior’ayi nim’obi-ayi,

Nas’ude nke ananugh,

Nario nkpa-ayi anekwugh,


Verse 7

Nakpo “Abba, Nna” nim’ayi,

Ih’ama onu nk’igwé

Na nke ndu ebigh-ebi,


Verse 8

Chor’ayi omimi Chuku,

Buru ayi n’uzọ ihe,

Me ka k’ayi rigorue n’ulo-I,

Chuk’Onye-nkasi.     Amen.

Abu 67- Were ihe-I di ngọzi.

Abu Igbo Anglican Communion is hymns composed in Igbo language which can be found in Ekpere na Abu. The hymns are number 1 to 400.

We have devoted this blog to listing out the complete Igbo one by one. Feel free to use and share. Sing unto the Lord.

.Site Credit: 9jainformed.com

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