Abu 75- Nyawaram achicha

Abu 75- Nyawaram achicha

 Abu 75- Nyawaram achicha


Abu 75- Nyawaram achicha
Abu 75- Nyawaram achicha

Verse 1

Nyawaram achicha

Nke ndu, Chuku,

Dika I si ke nri

N'uso miri.

M'nachọ Gi, Onye-nwem,

N'Akwukwo nsọ;

Agu Gi nagu mom,

Okwu di ndu.

Verse 2

Gi bu nri nenye ndu,

Gi Onye-nwem;

Ezi-okwu nsọ-Gi


Nyem ka m'rie we di ndu

Soro I n'elu;

Zim ka m'hu ez'okwu-I

N'anya, Jisus.

Verse 3

Biko, Nna, Ziterem

 Mọ Nsọ-I ugbu a,

K'Ọ met'aka n'anyam

Ka m'huw'uzọ.

Gosim ih'ezoro

Nime Okwu-I

Ka m'hu k'Akwukwo nsọ

Kpughere Gi.

Verse 4

Gozie Okw'om'ahu

N'ebe mu no,

K'I si we gozie nri

Na galili.

Ino n' otru gebi,

Ogba tijie;

Agamahu udo,

G'ihem nile!   Amen.

Abu 75- Nyawaram achicha

Abu Igbo Anglican Communion is hymns composed in Igbo language which can be found in Ekpere na Abu. The hymns are number 1 to 400.

We have devoted this blog to listing out the complete Igbo one by one. Feel free to use and share. Sing unto the Lord.

.Site Credit: 9jainformed.com

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