Anglican Bible study - STUDY 18, MAY 1, 2022

Anglican Bible study - STUDY 18, MAY 1, 2022

Anglican Bible study - STUDY 18, MAY 1, 2022 
Anglican Bible study - STUDY 18, MAY 1, 2022,

STUDY 18    

Anglican Bible study - STUDY 18, MAY 1, 2022, 2ND SUNDAY AFTER EASTER MAY 1 2022


SUB-THEME: Earthly Leaders 1

TOPIC: God Ordains Earthly Rulers

TEXT: Romans 13:1-7


i. to understand that God ordains all rulers to serve His purposes and
ii. to discuss how Christians can show good examples in their relationship with their rulers to the advancement of God’s kingdom.


When we say God ordains earthly rulers; we mean He appoints, calls, elects or sets apart people who are in position of authority. This is because a man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven (John 3:27) and …there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God (Romans 13:1).  In our text, Paul vividly explains that we must respect governing authorities because they are ordained by God. People in authority are God’s representatives to establish His rule, and to fulfil His purposes here on earth (1Sam. 16:1, 13).   We are to obey their authorities as long as the authorities are not against biblical injunctions. 


1. Critically examine the purpose and reason behind God setting earthly rulers and leaders apart. Exo 3:7-10;2King 9:4-10; Rom 13:3-4.

2. What is the primary duty of Christians to their rulers? Rom 13:1; 1Tim. 2:1-3 and why? (1Tim. 2:2b-4)

3. Who is the right Judge of rulers if they failed? 1Kings 14:7-11; Acts 12:21-23. 

4. What is expected of every Christian when the authorities of an earthly ruler clashes with God’s will and authority? Dan. 3:16-18; Matt. 5:16; Acts 5:29.


It is an undisputable fact that no earthly ruler or leader can ascend the position of power if God had not ordered it. Christians are light and salt of the world, therefore, we must be models in leadership and in followership so as to establish the kingdom of God on earth since the judgment of every ruler who abuses power is in God’s hand not in our hands.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Your relationship with God determines your obedience to earthly rulers or leaders.

Memory Verse: Rom. 13:1 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God”.
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